Dance Lessons

Your profile photos say something about you. There’s the obvious, the physical part, and the not-so-obvious subtle energies and vibrations that reach out beyond the screen and make the impression.
This part is the real you, the you beyond form, and it derives from your heart. It’s the most important aspect of a photograph yet it’s unseen, and difficult to describe. Your beauty lies not in your hair, or your skin or in your bone structure. Your beauty is inside you.
In order to capture that you have to set an intention. You have to decide to reveal it. The right light, the right composition, and a sensitive photographer enhances this reveal, but it’s in your control.
Getting your photo taken is not like getting a massage. Something isn’t done to you. It’s more like a dance lesson. The photographer leads, but you have to take the steps. You have to want to dance. When there’s an unwillingness to dance, it shows.
I suggest approaching your next photograph this way. Even if the photographer is not a professional, treat them as a partner, and make the decision to be seen, to really be seen. I promise you that if you own it, you’ll like the results.